Depression is the common cold of emotional issues. Depression makes us the victim of our feelings. When we’re depressed, we lose motivation. We don’t feel like doing anything – going to work or school, playing sports or exercising, going to church or praising God. We also feel bad about ourselves and hopeless about our situation.
There is a way out! The psalmist said, “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God” (Ps 42:11).
Here’s the secret: “For I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” When you praise God, you are looking to him in faith to deliver you. Praise is faith in action! It’s unconditional praise! In spite of your depression, say, “I will yet praise him.” The keyword is yet! Worship is not an act of emotions but an act of our will. Praise brings joy and joy gives you strength! “They who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength!” (Isaiah 40:31).
Depression exhausts us but praise refreshes us. Listen to Isaiah 61:1-3: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me…to give me a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.” When you put on a garment of praise, you will defeat the spirit of despair and depression.
Have you ever gotten dressed then looked at yourself in the mirror and didn’t like the way your clothes made you feel? You just can’t face the day looking like that. So you change into some clothes that make you feel positive and confident. Well, put on the spiritual garment of praise to drive out depression. When you worship, you put on the garment of praise and face life with hope and confidence.
Stop putting on the old garments that make you feel depressed.
Stop putting on the worn-out shirt of depression.
Stop wearing the old sweater of anxiety.
Stop wearing that paisley shirt of negativism.
Put on the garment of praise and you will drive out the spirit of despair!
Dr. Les Morgan